- Yesterday, I went to watch Transformers: Age of Extinction with Azrin. As usual, we chose the most upper seat in the hall as it has the best view without people behind us disturbing. It is the couple seat as well. So, what really bothers me (and this is happening every time we watch movie) is when people go out or coming into the hall from the loo, they never bother to close the door. Why la??? Is it so difficult to close it? So in the end, my hubby had to close it when the door is being left open for some time. And aku jadi lebih brutal siap sound sapa2 yg masuk tu utk tutup pintu... NO MANNERS!
- Today, I went to Tesco and there were so many people there as today is a public holiday. I cant even get a cart for my shopping so in the end, I just held my things and went straight to the Express Counter. To my surprise, there was this guy who had his full trolley queuing at the counter. Hello... cant you read the sign that this is for 10 items and below?? So selfish. And actually I was pissed with the cashier as she allowed him to pass through. NO MANNERS! Tapi, mengingatkan bulan pose.... sabor jer le... kalau tak.. lama dah aku sapu mamat tu...
- This one is very very common.... turning into junction and not putting the signal on. Hoii... penat jer car manufacturer letak lampu signal.. apsal korang tak guna??
- Masuk tandas... dah buat bisness, tak reti nak flush.... mmg teruk!!!
- Tisu buang merata-rata.. especially dalam surau... menyampah....
Itu baru sikit.... banyak lagi kes2 yang menyakitkan hati just because these people lack in good manners.... bila la nak berubah ye...
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