
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nasi Minyak Panahan Asmara

This recipe was originated by my father. Thank you Abah for teaching me how to cook this recipe until it become the talk of the town (chewah.. perasan!). But the taste memang sedap. Sampaikan, ada yang minta recipe ni masa raya puasa baru ni. So, I'm sharing with all of you this recipe. Kalau first time buat tak jadi, it's normal. Tapi kalau dah buat selalu, mcm petik api lighter jer....

Recipe for Nasi Minyak (eer... by the way, nama kat atas tu nak glamer jer)

10 cups of Basmati Rice (the best type, otherwise, can use Sunwhite)
1 can of evaporated milk (I use Ideal)
10 cups of hot water
3 table spoon of Pure Ghee
3 table spoon of Cooking Oil
1 table spoon of Tomato Puree

Other ingredients
1 stick of cinnamon stick - about 3 inches (kulit kayu manis)
3 seeds of cardamom (buah pelaga)
3 seeds of star anise (bunga lawang)
2 cloves (bunga cengkih)

5 red onions
3 cloves of garlic
1 inch of ginger
(Pound these ingredients with pestle and mortar)

1 table spoon of cumin seed (jintan manis)
1 table spoon of (jintan putih)
1 table spoon of coriander seeds (ketumbar)
1 teaspoon of black pepper (lada hitam)
(Pound these ingredients with pestle and mortar)


Preheat your cooking part with Pure Ghee and Cooking Oil. Saute ingredient A until it is fragrant. Add in Ingredient B and saute them until it turns golden in color. Add in ingredient C and further saute until it is fragrant (all together it should not take more than 10 minutes).
Add in the rice. Mix the rice with the sauteed ingredients. Do this for about 5 minutes. Make sure the heat is medium-low. Once the rice is all mixed up, pour in the hot water followed by one can of evaporated milk. Add in the salt (not too much as the ghee is already salty) and also the tomato puree.

This is the crucial part. Make sure heat is turned to be at medium-high. You need to stir the rice in the liquid until the amount of liquid is reduced, just like how you want to cook rice in the traditional way on stove. Once you see the liquid has been absorbed mostly by the rice, turned down the heat to low, put on the lid and let it cooked. I would put something heavy on top of the lid and cover the edge of the pot with towels to make sure the steam remains in the pot and that makes the cooking perferct. Most of the times, I would let it cook for about 30 minutes.

After the 30 minutes, check it out whether the rice has cooked and for tasting. Once it is ready, pour in the raisins (mixed the yellow and brown). Serve it while it's hot and garnish with fried shallots and sprinkle with some chopped coriander leaves and spring onions.

1 comment:

rimau manja said...

i baca nama masakan pun dah meleleh........