
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Talk on Blended Learning

Topik ni macam boring tapi bagi warga pendidik macam aku ni, kenalah alert tentang perkembangan terkini dalam teknologi pendidikan. Selama ini, kalau kita belajar, tak kiralah sekolah rendah, menengah, kolej dan universiti, kalau dah namanya kuliah atau kelas, kena la datang physically ke bilik kuliah. Tetapi sekarang dengan adanya teknologi internet yang serba canggih ni, kita dah boleh virtual classes sahaja. Kalau di oversea, sometimes virtual classes ni memang tidak melibatkan physical meetings with the instructor. Masa exam, yes. Kalau kat my university, so far kita dah introduce blended learning ni dalam our e-PJJ module dan PLK. These are the part time students. Tapi masih ada physical face to face classes dalam semester. 

Starting June 2013, some of our full time courses will be conducted using this blended learning concept. Ianya akan mengurangkan contact hours between students and lecturer face to face tapi we are able to communicate at any time we wish. Just log on to the virtual class system and you can post anything that you like. Macam aku, dah bertahun aku buat epjj courses so benda tak de masalah. Tapi some of the senior lecturers are quite reluctant. Mungkin dioorg tak rasa confident nak guna computer and internet as a means of communication. Well, bukan la kita tak jumpa student langsung tapi ianya dikurangkan. It is good since jumlah students makin bertambah tapi class rooms banyak tu jugak... so kalau pakai blended learning, kurangla sikit problem dengan classrooms ni. lagipun it is very flexible. Katalah kena outstation pun, you can still reach your students. Cuma, attitude students pun kena diubah. They would have to be more proactive. Jangan la nak harapkan semua dari lecturer sahaja.

I am very interested with this idea sebab pada aku it is quite convenient and also save cost. Tapi terpulanglah pada creativity masing masing macam mana nak develop content yang interesting but at the same time deliver your materials.

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