
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Good news

Alhamdulillah, hari ni walaupun I got out from the house quite late (7.20 baru keluar rumah), I managed to arrive at the office by 8 am. It is all because of school holiday and the traffic was very smooth. Sampai-sampai ajer, parking strategic pun ada. So, sangat la lega. Actually, I believe in the power of doa as nowadays, I will recite long doa sepanjang perjalanan ke office supaya perjalanan lancar dan urusan berjalan lancar. Before this, I admit, doa yang specific macam ni kurang aku baca tapi since aku amalkan doa-doa ni, terasa sangat kemudahan yang Allah berikan. Syukur Alhamdulillah.

Another good news today is that I just got a letter that says I am going to get a dedicated parking for myself. This is what I have been waiting for as it is very difficult for me to get a parking space if I don't come very early in the morning or if I have to go out to another faculty for my class, I usually have to circle the campus to find a parking closeby to my office building. Dengan adanya parking ni, boleh la datang a bit late (especially on Thursday when I only have my classes from 4 to 6 pm.)

As of today, there are only 22 days left before the big event. I am getting a bit nervous nowadays, just to think about the event and my life after. Changes, that is. Well, that's life, full of changes and challenges. Insya Allah, I want to be a better person once my status has changed.

Gotta go as work are here to be settled.

Signing off,
Makcik Kantin

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