
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Wanita dan Lelaki

Seorang teman telah menghantar nukilan berikut (tidak pasti dari mana sumbernya) kepada saya melalu e-mail. Saya suka akan maksudnya dan ingin berkongsi dengan anda semua...

Sebuah Renungan

Ujar lelaki, wanita itu lemah
Ujar wanita, mereka adalah lembut
Antara lemah dan lembut.. besar perbezaannya
Namun ada yang tidak rela mengakuinya
Telah ditakdirkan.. kerana lembut..
Wanita tidak gemar perbalahan..kecuali jika terpaksa
Lalu wanita pun diam
Diam seolah-olah menerima..
Dalam diam, wanita gigih melaksanakan kewajipan
Dalam diam, wanita terus terusan bekerja
Di pejabat sebagai kerani..di rumah sebagai suri
Dari sebelum tercalit garis putih di subuh hari
Hingga jarum jam tegak bertindih jari

Lelaki yang mengaku kuat..
celik mata sarapan sudah terhidang
Apabila pulang dari pejabat...
di kerusi malas longlai terlentang
Isteri dikatakan lemah...
bergelut di dapur memasak
Suami yang mengaku gagah..
bersantai di dpn TV tidak bergerak
Selesai memasak wanita menguruskan anak-anak
Menyapu sampah,mengemas rumah yang berselerak
Lelaki keletihan kerana memandu di jalan sesak
Berehat,menonton TV sambil tergelak

Dalam diam wanita dianggap lemah...
terus berlumba dengan masa
Memandikan anak, melipat pakaian
Dan membasuh baju
Kaki tangan semua digerakkan dengan laju
Menyiram pohon-pohon bunga yang mulai layu
Sebelum solat Magrib untuk sujud...
Menyembah yang Satu
Makanan dihidang selepas solat
Selesai kerja rumah,anak-anak diajar mengaji
Sedang suami tersadar semula seperti tadi
Sebagai isteri kesetiaan wanita sentiasa diuji
Dalam diam semua tugas rumah segera dibereskan
Lelaki terpelajar celik hati...
Ingin menghapuskan diskriminasi
Lantang membela nasib wanita....
Memberi kesedaran supaya segera bangkit
Meminta lelaki jangan lagi memperlakukan wanita mengikut adap tradisi
Hukum agama telah terpapar

Tugas suami mengemas rumah,menjaga anak
Membasuh pakaian,menyediakan makanan
Jika suami tidak terdaya melakukannya
Seorang pembantu wajar disediakan
Lelaki yang hanyut dalam keasyikan
Tidak mampu menerima perubahan
Rela bertahan bagaimana jua
Asalkan cara hidup tradisi terus dinikmati
Dalam diamWanita yang sering dianggap lemah
Meneruskan hidup dalam segala kekuatan

KeKaYaaN YaNg PaLiNg KaYa iaLaH AKAL,
KeMiSkiNaN YaNg PaLiNg BeSaR iaLaH JAHIL,
KeBuRuKaN YaNg PaLiNg HoDoH iaLaH SESAT'

Tak perlu mencari teman secantik BALQIS,
Jika diri tak seindah SULAIMAN,
Mengapa mengharap teman setampan YUSUF,
Jika kasih tak setulus ZULAIKHA,
Tak perlu diri menjadi seteguh IBRAHIM,
Jika tak sekuat SARAH,
Mengapa didamba teman hidup seistimewa KHADIJAH,
Jika diri tak sesempurna RASULULLAH S.A.W,

Tak guna Ada MATA kalau tak dapat MELIHAT,
Tak guna Ada HATI kalau tak tau MENILAI.....

BALGOBIN - Clever boy laa...

TEACHER : Why are you late?
BALGOBIN : Because of the sign.
TEACHER : What sign?
BALGOBIN : The one that says, "School Ahead, Go Slow."
TEACHER : Balgobin, why are you doing your math sums on the floor?
BALGOBIN : You told me to do it without using tables!
TEACHER : Balgobin, how do you spell "crocodile"?
TEACHER : No, that's wrong
BALGOBIN : Maybe it's wrong, but you asked me how I spell it!
TEACHER : What is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER : What are you talking about?
BALGOBIN : Yesterday you said it's H to O!
TEACHER : Balgobin, go to the map and find North America.
BALGOBIN : Here it is!
TEACHER : Correct. Now, class, who discovered America?
CLASS : Balgobin!
TEACHER : Balgobin, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
TEACHER : Balgobin, why do you always get so dirty?
BALGOBIN : Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
BALGOBIN : Dad, can you write in the dark?
FATHER : I think so. What do you want me to write?
BALGOBIN : Your name on this report card.
TEACHER : How can you prevent diseases caused by biting insects?
BALGOBIN : Don't bite any.
TEACHER : Balgobin, give me a sentence starting with "I".
BALGOBIN : I is...
TEACHER : No, Balgobin. Always say, "I am."
BALGOBIN : All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."
TEACHER : "Can anybody give an example of "COINCIDENCE?"
BALGOBIN : "Sir, my Mother and Father got married on the same day, same time."
TEACHER : "George Washington not only chopped down his father's Cherry tree, but also admitted doing it. Now do you know why his father didn't punish him?"
BALGOBIN : "Because George still had the axe in his hand?"
BALGOBIN : Daddy, have you ever been to Egypt?
FATHER : No. Why do you ask that?
BALGOBIN : Well, where did you get THIS mummy then?
TEACHER : What a pair of strange socks you are wearing, one is green and one is blue with red spots!
BALGOBIN : Yes it's really strange. I've got another pair just like that at home.
TEACHER : Now, children, if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him, what virtue would I be showing?
BALGOBIN : Brotherly love?
TEACHER : Now, Balgobin, tell me frankly do you say prayers before eating?
BALGOBIN : No sir, I don't have to, my mom is a good cook.
TEACHER : Balgobin, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?
BALGOBIN : No, teacher, it's the same dog!
TEACHER : What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
BALGOBIN : A teacher

Skim cepat kaya Internet

Kenapa la orang kita nie suka sangat terpedaya dengan skim cepat kaya nie? Baru-baru nie Majlis Fatwa telah pun mengharamkan skim-skim seumpama ini kerana unsur-unsur riba dan gharar. Betul pun. Logiknya, takkan la senang senang duit nak "beranak" macam tuh. Masuk bulan nie USD 1000, dalam masa 3 bulan dah dapat untung. Pelik la... yang masuk tuh plak, bukanla org2 yang tak sekolah, tapi orang yang berpendidikan tinggi dan ramai juga golongan profesional. Nak cepat sangat kaya la tuh. Macam judi laa...
Takkan la tak ingat skim Pak Man Telo dulu? Dah jenuh kita didik kata benda-benda macam tuh tak betul dan takkan tahan lama, masih nak buat. Tapi, saya ada cerita pasal skim mcm nie about 7-8 years ago. Namanya SkyBiz. Tak tahu la anda pernah dengar atau tak. Saya tahu skim nie sebab abang saya, secara tak semena-mena menerima cek-cek dari USA yang bermacam-macam nilainya. Mulanya, nilai adalah kecil, tak sampai RM 100. Dan pada mulanya dia tak perasan pun kertas tuh adalah cek. Saya kata, itu memang cek yang sah dan minta dia bawa ke bank untuk cuba tunaikan.
Terkejut besar abang saya kerana cek tersebut laku!! Pada masa yang sama, lebih banyak cek-cek yang kami terima dan nilainya mencecah puluhan ribu ringgit. Begitulah rezeki abang saya bila dilimpahi cek-cek ini. Dia sendiri tak pasti macam mana namanya boleh ada dalam sistem. Kami trace website SkyBiz dan ternyata ia adalah seumpama multilevel marketing yang mempunyai sistem left and right arms. Patutla duit yang diterimanya banyak, kerana ramai yang berada di bawahnya.
Pelaburannya mudah, kononnya beli website nilai USD100 dan marketkan site itu. Itu ajer... atas angin punya bisness. Saya dan bapa teruja dengan sistem itu lalu mencuba. Mana tahu, boleh dapat cek banyak lagi kot??? Bayar USD 100. Tapi, tak lama lepas tuh, SkyBiz telah diharamkan even di USA kerana sistem yang dianggap ada unsur tipu. Org yang pioneer adalah yang paling beruntung, contohnya abang saya (walaupun dia sendiri tidak mendaftar - ada org lain yg daftarkan agaknya!). Sejak kejadian itu, serik saya nak masuk skim2 macam nie. Sedangkan skim2 mcm Shaklee, Cosway, Amway, Zhulian pun saya malas. Ramai yang memujuk. Alasan saya senang - saya malas nak buat semua tuh!!
Moralnya, kalau nak kaya kena usaha. Takde yang datang bergolek kecuali jika anda bertuah. Itupun kita tak tahu, mungkin Allah nak menduga kita. Mcm abang saya, masa dia terima duit tuh, umpama rezeki terpijak sebab masa tuh dia sedang in between jobs after taking VSS from Esso before joining Petronas. Itupun, hatinya murah, banyak disedekah kepada orang2 yang memerlukan. Sehingga kini, rezekinya sendiri tak pernah putus. Dan pada dia jugalah tempat saya meminjam jika duit adalah satu masalah!! Tak nak pinjam dari along!! Nanti kena kerat tangan!!! hehehehe

Beef Kebab with Pita Bread

Today, out of boredom, I prepared beef kebab, my own version, for a light snack. Here's the recipe.
Ingredients for beef kebab:
300 grams of beef (US fillet is preferred)
1 red onion
1 inch of ginger
2 cloves of garlic
3 table spoon of dark soy sauce
1 table spoon of oyster sauce
1 table spoon of honey
Black pepper
Chilli sauce
Cooking oil
  • Marinate the beef (which has been cut into small strips) with chopped onion, ginger and garlic
  • Add in dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, honey and black pepper
  • Marinate for about 1-2 hours in the fridge
  • Preheat non-stick pan over medium heat stove and pour in some cooking oil
  • Saute beef in pan for about 15 minutes (it won't take too long since US fillet is easily tendered)
  • Remove excess oil (if any) and let it fried until it looks a bit crispy
  • Add in the chilli sauce
  • Seasoned to taste

Ingredients for coleslaw:

1/4 cabbage (shredded/chopped finely)

1/2 stick of carrot (shredded)

2 tablespoons of light mayonaise

A pinch of salt

1 table spoon of sugar

1 table spoon of white vinegar/Lemon juice


  • Mixed everything in a large bowl
  • Refrigerate before serving

Garnishing the kebab:

  • Shred some lettuce
  • Prepare tomatoes in small cubes
  • Cut the pita bread (wholemeal is preferred) into half and toast it awhile on a hot pan
  • Make incision to the bread to make it as a pocket
  • Stuff in the lettuce and tomatoes first
  • Scoop in the coleslaw
  • Scoop in the beef
  • Add in more lettuce and tomatoes
  • Squeeze a bit of mayonaise and chilli sauce

A perfect snack for a lazy Sunday evening!!!

The Missing Boy

I'm sure most of us have read in newspapers and heard it on TV about the missing of a boy while his father was at the changing room at Sogo, KL. Yesterday, after missing for about 2 weeks, finally a Myanmar couple had reunited the boy with his parents again. According to the couple, the boy was found trying to cross the road and the lady had sort of rescued him from being knocked by a car while trying to cross. Surprisingly, she also claimed that her husband and her didn't know anything about the media raving exposure on the boy been missing. No TV at home - that's what she claimed.
Today, after receiving comments from many parties, the police had arrested the Myanmar couple for possible criminal offence relating to the boy's missing adventure. It was thought that the couple had detained the boy and intended or had already used the boy for begging purposes. They even shaved the boy's head bald. There were also no signs of chicken pox disease from the boy's body as claimed by the Myanmar lady. So, the police need to crack the case to find out the actual story.
But the thing I want to raise here is about the parents attitude towards their responsibility of taking care of the kids. Of course, since I don't have any kids YET, it's easy for me to condemn. But I have experiences taking care of my three nephews, which are not EASY at all. If you've been to the shopping malls, hypermarkets, there would be a number of announcements of missing kids. These parents are too absorbed with their shopping spree trips until they totally ignore their kids. They just let the kids to be out of their sight, within the shopping arena, thinking that, where else could they go. Geez... these people should not be a PARENT!!
And, just now, I watched news on TV and saw a statement by the boy's father confessing that they will be more careful with their children, after all that had happened. Stupid!!!!! Luckily the boy is still alive. Otherwise, it would be the most expensive lesson of PARENTING.
Actually, when they media raved about this, I didn't feel sorry for the parents at all though I was hoping that the boy is saved by someone. I think it's high time that PARENTS should be more aware on their children whereabouts and do not take things for granted.
By right, not only the Myanmar couple should be convicted with the alleged offence, the parents SHOULD also be convicted for being IRRESPONSIBLE towards own flesh and blood. Maybe, others would learn a lesson from this case.

Friday, April 13, 2007

I'm sick today

I'm not feeling well today. It started off with just a normal sore throat last nite and it ends with high fever today. From morning until noon, can't really get off from bed though I managed to do some laundry after Subuh prayer. Thinking of going to the doctor in a short while since it doesn't really cool down even after taking the normal fever medicine - Panadol. Maybe what I need is a full course of antibiotics and painkiller to kill my sore throat. My tonsil is also very painful and it seems that it will always be like that when ever I have sore throat. Should I get it removed??

Very unproductive today since had to stay in bed for most of the time. Now, I'm trying to strecth myself up after the long hours lying on bed till my body is fully ached! I need to get fresh air. But can't stay out in the sun. It will make the temperature even worse - that's what I will usually get whenever I stay out too long.

So, till I fully recovered from this fever, I guess I won't be blogging that much. *sigh*

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dream Car

My new MyVi is doing just fine. I love it since it gives me freedom in manouvering around town while driving it. But, my dream car is still the VW Beetle. Hehehe... Love it right from the beginning. Thus, with my tight budget, I can only managed to buy a car that closely resembles the VW, which is my MyVi. I hope, in a few years time, I would be able to lay my hands on this "baby". Soon, Insya Allah.
p/s:..hmm... abang... can u make it happen?? hehehehe

I'm Confused!!

Right now. I'm truly like this baby. To do or not to do. To proceed or not to proceed. God, please give me direction....

Sunday, April 1, 2007

New Books

I bought these two books yesterday from MPH Midvalley.

Lunch at Chilli's

Yesterday, I went to Midvalley Megamall with a friend. Actually, we wanted to go and see a movie together but there were too many people since it was a public holiday - Maulidur Rasul. So, we cancelled on the plan and headed to Chilli's for quite an early lunch @ 12.00 noon. Lunch was great and the service, as usual was excellent.
But there was an "exciting" moment when we saw a young man walking towards a table, just opposite ours, with a young girl. At first, I didn't quite realize who is he. But, on the second look... ahhh... Datuk K's son - I think the boy is his third son. His "girlfriend" is not very cute though. Too bad...
The point why I raised this in my blog is because of the current headliners in newspapers reporting on Datuk K allegedly beat up one of his son's friend. I'm not quite sure whether it is the same son whom I met at Chilli's or not. Quite surprising when I read about this in a newspaper. Never thought that Datuk K is such a violent person, or could it be just a false claim? Nobody knows until this matter is brought into court. The truth shall set him free..... or not free... ;)